Tuesday, October 18, 2011

When you give, you always "get"!

I love this (taken from a talk by Bonnie Parkin in March 2004):
For many years Relief Society was part of the National Council of Women in the United States. Shortly after Sister Belle Spafford was called as the Relief Society general president, she said to President George Albert Smith that going to the meetings in New York was costly and of little benefit. “President Smith gently chastised [Sister Spafford], ‘Do you always think in terms of what you get? Don’t you think it’s well to think in terms of what you have to give?’”
I have remembered this quote many a time when I haven't wanted to go to meetings, different activities or events, the temple, etc. It has always been a good reminder that sometimes the giving is why I am needed there. And really...When you give, don't you always "GET"?!
I haven't been able to put pictures on the computer yet and I am still not done with my one project. I am so close, but I have to go to the store as I can't find my 3rd package of double fold bias tape here at home. Oh, to be organized...Someday!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Am Not The Gardener

The talks on Sunday in sacrament meeting were based on Elder D. Todd Christofferson's April conference talk, "As Many as I Love, I Rebuke and Chasten". I have had a hard time applying it to my life this week. I think it is extra hard to trust your bishop when it is your husband, but alas...I keep reminding myself that I am not the gardener. God is the one in charge. Why does my will want to fight His will at times? I had a good talk with my dear husband last night and I know my issues really come down to my pride. I guess it is time to pull out Pres. Benson's talk, "Beware of Pride" so I can again read and reread it.
On a lighter note...
More blog posts and changes to come. I am almost finished with one of my "unfinished projects" and I can't wait to post pictures of it. I will be trying to enter the blogging world again on a more regular basis. We shall see if it works out for me. And to the few of you who will have actually read this post -- Have a great day!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Essential Oils

Debra Raybern, a Young Living Independent Distributor, was featured during a segment of the morning show Great Day Houston. She did a great job discussing the basics of essential oils as well as some of the benefits of lavender, peppermint, and thieves oil blend. Watch the clip here.